“…make sure you’re connected…”

I wish I’d taken some screen grabs of the stats pertaining to my social media use and rankings just over a week ago because things have changed very quickly. As per my WordPress avowal, I have spent a lot of the last week actively improving my social network presences. I’ve updated my website, refreshed my LinkedIn profile, created a company LinkedIn page and have tweeted daily, using HootSuite to autoschedule these and to also post them onto LinkedIn.

The results – in just a week – have been staggering. In 7 days, my profile ranking on LinkedIn has risen by 35% and I’m now in the top 12% of my (now 500+) connections:


In terms of my ranking in the sector in which I work, I am now #4:


From averaging 3 or 4 views per week, this week my profile was viewed 62 times:

profile views

I know a little bit about who’s viewed me too; their companies, their location and their sector:

profile views company

profile views sector

And my Klout score has risen from 10 to 48.5.

klout sat

Alongside the stats there have been lots of positive immeasurables: old colleagues have reconnected, clients have liked and engaged with my tweets and my updates, and new connections have been made. I have been able to send links to my website with a little more confidence; rather than be embarrassed about the paucity of content on there, I now know that it looks busier and therefore I appear to be busier and more in demand.

However, as per Velda’s insightful comment, so what? In terms of what these statistics mean, they mean that the social network is creating a social network; it feels a little like a hermetically sealed world.  I have played its game and, like any game-player who puts in the effort, I have risen through the ranks. However, the real proof that I will need to convince me that it ‘works’ will be when I can prove cause and effect; when I gain some work as a direct or indirect result of my LinkedIn activities. The problem is, I’ve now created my own social media monster which needs feeding…

“If you make sure you’re connected,
The writing’s on the wall
But if your mind’s neglected,
Stumble you might fall…”

Stereo MCs ‘Connected’

3 Replies to ““…make sure you’re connected…””

  1. Hi Helen,

    Great to see that some of these exercises have provoked some changes in your practice that have had some good effects in terms of making/remaking connections. Hopefully there’s enough benefit to make the work worthwhile. One of my colleagues recently persuaded me to turn an internal written document I’d done for the University into a blog post. I was reluctant but then pleasantly surprised by how her posting the blog and tweeting about it led to some good conversations with folk.



    1. Hi Velda,

      Yes: it’s good to try new practices. The first offer of some new work came in via LinkedIn on Friday, so I guess I have proven myself wrong!



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